Companies interested in Petrobras’ public tenders are subject to two different types of fees: the access fee and the transaction fee. The Access Fee is required so that the supplier can participate in a bidding process, that is: access the notice and the Collaboration Room, communicate with the Bidding Committee, submit proposals, etc. It is charged monthly, and the supplier can choose the subscription period between 1 and 6 months. The Transaction Fee is charged by Petrobras to the winning bidder, as a form of reimbursement for expenses related to the bidding process.
The supplier must pay the transaction fee for the signing of the contract with Petrobras to be made possible. Micro and small businesses are exempt from paying the transaction fee.
Finally, the value of the transaction fee is 0.2% of the total value of the contract, and cannot currently exceed R$45,000.00 (forty-five thousand reais) per contract.